Welcome to the StockProtm Part Locator.
This application allows Evinrude/Johnson dealers to view part information, see inventory status at BRP and share their own inventory with other dealers.You will have fast, timely access to part information and be able to locatehard to find parts easily by doing a quick search right in your browser.As an additional benefit to our dealers, we also store and allow searching oninventory of other manufacturers at our StockPro dealers.
The StockPro Part Locator will give you access to more part information thanever before! We want to help you have needed parts on hand. Having needed parts will increase the speed of repairs, resulting in increased customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and ultimately higher profits.
And what about all of those old parts you bought years ago that you could sell to another Evinrude/Johnsonto help them repair an engine? This is a great chance to update your inventory and get rid ofstock that you may not have a chance to sell any other way. You'll have a nationwide marketplace foryour old stock.
How do I get my inventory in the part locator?
The StockPro system is designed to work with your dealer business system and your internet connection in orderto automatically transmit inventory quantities to us every day. Once you are on theStockPro system, inventory will be transmitted in the background via an application calledthe StockPro Integrator. All you have to do is connect to the internet and the rest is takencare for you!
The StockPro system is currently supported by the following business systems:
Paulson Computer Systems | BiT Marine Software | Huggins Outboard Computer Programs |
More coming soon!
We also support DealerPort Offline provided by BRP.
If your business system is listed here, great! You are ready to go. Just call us at 800-888-4662 OPTION 3 or emailstock.pro@brp.com and we'll get you going.
If you don't see your business system mentioned here, contact them right away and tell them youwant to get your inventory on StockPro! We've already contacted over a dozen business systems and many are workinghard to become the next one compatible with StockPro. Let them know that you want it!
If you don't have a business system, now is a great opportunity to get started in order to take advantage of StockPro.
We've worked hard to bring this application to you and to make it the best tool possible.Give us a call at 800-888-4662 OPTION 3 or write us an email at stock.pro@brp.com and let us know what you think.
StockPro Part Locator Functionality
Part Locator searching begins with typing a part number, choosing a manufacturer and then clicking 'Search'.
If you are searching for a BRP Evinrude/Johnson part you will see a display something like the following:
You can see on the screen above detailed information about the part, it's supersession information and pricing.You can also see that this dealer is providing inventory information via the StockPro Integrator, but also that thedealer does not have this part in stock. Also, below this, you can see BRP Evinrude/Johnson's warehouse stock information.Since this part is superseded, the locator shows you the next part which does have stock in the supersession chain.
Below is a legend of all the stock status information icons:
If you search for a part from another manufacturer, less detailed information appears. We are working to increase the detail we have on each partfrom other manfacturers.
StockPro Dealer Network
For all BRP Evinrude/Johnson parts you search, if BRP does not have the part in stock, a StockPro Dealer Network search is done to try and find dealers near you who have this part.
If the part for which you are searching is not a BRP Evinrude/Johnson part, a nationwide search is done ordered by distance from your dealership.
So that you can verify how your contact information shows, your dealership will show up as the first entry if the you the part you seached. You can see below thatcontact information shows for the dealership which has the part, it's driving distance and also the quantity. You can alsosee a "Part #" field. Since each dealer may store the part slightly differently, this field shows how this specific dealer stores this part.
Please keep in mind that the decision to sell a part is left up to the dealer and that pricing is set at the discretion of the dealer selling the part.
Please give the search a try. Let us know what you think and how we might improve this tool or provideother tools which could help you run your dealership better!